Dr. Richard Beyer

Certified Specialist in Criminal Law
Certified Specialist in Tax Law

TOP-25 tax criminal lawyers in Germany 2009 chosen by Wirtschaftswoche

Prof. Dr. Richard Beyer

For 25 years he has focused on forensic work as a criminal defense lawyer in large-scale proceedings, for 30 years in tax law.

Extensive experience in main hearings and criminal proceedings, including Müller-Brot, Siemens proceedings, Perkovic (secret service general on suspicion of murder for hire), Goldfinger (alleged tax evasion of over EUR 500 million), Cum-Ex, more than 1,000 main hearing days in court in total.


Dr. Richard Beyer ATTORNEY

Studies of law and economics in Munich, Doctorate in Law (Dr. jur.) at the Research Centre for international tax and financial law in the Institute for Politics and Public Law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich.

Certified Specialist in Criminal Law
Certified Specialist in Tax Law

In 2009 the German business periodical "Wirtschaftswoche" named Dr. Beyer as one of the 25 leading criminal tax defence lawyers in Germany.

Scientific Director of the European Institute for Public Finance (Institute of the Taxpayers Association of Europe)

Chairman of the Finance Commission of the European Economic Senate

Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the European Economic Senate

Deputy chairman of the specialised committee of tax and fiscal management policies in the Economic Advisory
Committee of the Union

Member of the Institute for Commercial Criminal Law and International and European Criminal Law (WIE) of the University of Saarland

Chairman of the arbitration tribunal of the Bavarian Tax Payers Association

Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese

Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Munich Academic Department Business Administration

Lecturer for compliance/ corruption and fight against fraud to the Union's financial interests/ harmonisation of European criminal law and criminal proceeding law on the level of European Union and European Council/ Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms at the University of West at Timisoara

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Angola

Pastpresident Rotary